(recorded for students of all ages)
Discovery Museum CEO Neil Gordon asks Stacy Clark about the inspiration behind her renewable energy writing for children.
Stacy Clark shares her excitement around the harnessing and distribution of six renewable energy technologies worldwide and why “Planet Power” inspires children (and adults!) to be part of the climate change solution.
With Neil Gordon, CEO of the Discovery Museum in Acton, MA and celebrated author, Christy Mihaly, Stacy Clark discusses how kids can use social media as a tool for engaging with leading scientists, weather experts, jouranlists and young people who are invested in sharing the reality of climate change and the many ways to combat it.
With Discovery Museum CEO Neil Gordon and author Christy Mihaly, Stacy Clark explains why it’s exciting to learn that renewables harness the very same electrons that traditional power plants harness, but without the environmental degradation and climate change consequences.
In conversation with Neil Gordon, CEO of the Discovery Museum in Acton, MA, author Christy Mihaly explains the global stories presented in her book, “WATER: A Deep Dive of Discovery,” and how they impart to children the precious nature of clean, potable water.
Stacy Clark shares why distributed renewable power provides a way for people everywhere to participate in the worldwide economy. Stacy believes that renewables are the ultimate democratization of energy.
Neil Gordon, CEO of the Discovery Museum, asks Stacy Clark about her use of lyrical rhymes and scientific facts in her book, “Planet Power: Explore the World’s Renewable Energy,” and the advantage of having what amounts to “two books in one.”
Discovery Museum CEO Neil Gordon asks Christy Mihaly and Stacy Clark about the activities and actions that help inspire young people to embrace nature and invest their time in building a sustainable future.
Authors Christy Mihaly and Stacy Clark share with Discovery Museum CEO Neil Gordon their thoughts on feeling hopeful about the future and how scientific innovation is proving that climate change solutions do exist.
"Though there's a carbon footprint that we're all generating, we already have the technology and a vast opportunity to offset these emissions and expand access to clean energy."
Meet CEO Laura Zapata, whose early years as a communications expert at Uber helped her secure 100 million watts of solar power for Clearloop's Jackson, TN solar power farm.
“We need to transition to an all-electric, 100% clean, renewably powered economy as soon as possible.”
Meet Stanford Professor, thought-leader and author Mark Z. Jacobson, who has mapped the world for 100% clean, renewable electricity and storage
"Passion is the world’s number one renewable resource.”
Meet Eco Wave Power's dynamic CEO Inna Braverman.