From super-storms and drought-fueled wildfires to ocean acidification and crop declines, climate change is impacting every corner of the globe. It’s the issue of our time.
The breadth of the climate conundrum can be challenging, but proactive responses are an opportunity to align business practices with responsible social and environmental tenets that reflect the reality of a rapidly changing world.
Stacy helps businesses, institutions and organizations understand how climate change is impacting their once predictable relationships with customers, service providers, shareholders, donors and voters.
Among the businesses and groups Stacy works with are the following:
Meeting with the team at Verdant Power as they deployed their 5th generation tidal turbines into the East River of New York City
If your business is manufacturing, how do your practices impact food and water security? How do your operations invite or dissuade support from consumers who view climate change as a pivotal kitchen table issue? How are you working to reduce your carbon and chemical footprint today and in the future? How can you integrate climate-conscious policies into your daily activities, enthuse employees with contests to save energy and position your successes to grab market share away from your competition?
If you’re a financier, does your lending policy support a swift transition to renewable energy sources that scientists insist we must make in order to stabilize planetary temperatures within a decade? Are the businesses you loan to working to reduce their energy consumption and lower their greenhouse gas emissions? We can explore sustainable finance strategies that will keep you ahead of the competition. If you’re an asset manager, an in-depth analysis and discussion of how traditional energy investments impact the world will help inform your long-term investment strategy and market success.
Endowment managers face critically important decisions as well. In the case of academic endowments, the “Greta Generation” has piqued the interest of students worldwide, many of whom now consider climate change an existential threat. How do the investments you make either positively or negatively impact the future lives of the students you serve? How do the donations you accept, including corporate professorship & research grants, align with your environmental mission and the interests of respective beneficiaries? How can you use the decision to divest to attract both highly qualified applicants and climate conscious donors?
If you’re a political influencer, how might you grow or deepen your political legitimacy by becoming a climate educator in your own right? How can you easily communicate the urgency of the climate crisis to constituents, while also drawing on the interests and needs of your community to bring about positive environmental changes? Have you met with renewable energy providers in your district and state to explore how growing consumer demand for renewables can be fast-tracked? How about bringing them together with your constituents to push forward on community-wide climate solutions?